Hernia is basically a medical condition when an organ typically pushes the muscle on top of the organ thereby causing pain and discomfort. This is a type of disease which cannot be treated with the help of oral medicines and needs surgical procedures to completely mitigate the same. Inguinal, hiatal, umbilical, femoral are a few examples of the types of hernia which can affect the human body. This needs to be treated with immediate effect as the longer it remains untreated, the more damage it will cause to the muscle it’s pushing from beneath.
The reason behind the cause of hernia is the pressure created from the organs or weakness in the muscle. The muscle weakness can be caused either by birth or due to some sort of injury. Abdominal hernia can prove to be very painful as it can block the path of bowels passing through the intestines thereby causing other complications. Dr Winston Woon, the hernia specialist singapore has a lot of experience in dealing with cases where the patient needs to get operated upon due to hernia related issues.
Little time to recover
The time taken by the patients undergoing laparoscopic surgeries take a maximum of two days to get released from the hospital or private nursing home. Apart from a few restrictions, patients are free to move around, walk, and use the washroom all on their own from the next day of operation, which is possible only due to the fact that the surgery is performed by expert doctors using advanced robotic processes. The wound after the operation is so small that it can be covered with a traditional size band-aid. The success rate of Dr Winston Woon is phenomenal and patients have never returned complaining about recurring pain in the same area of surgery.